Photo booth props for Spanish, English, German and French to use in events such as Open Evening or decorate your MFL classroom. Each pack include phrases and pictues on key cultural elements of the countries where the languages are spoken.
Decoración para un fotocall en español, inglés, alemán y francés que se puede usar tanto en eventos como jornadas de puertas abiertas como para decorar el aula. Incluye frases y dibujos de elementos típicos de la cultura de los países donde se hablan esos idiomas.
A bundle covering all units from the module ‘Diviértete’ in ActiveHub Pearson Edexcel. For each unit, it includes:
Editable presentations for each unit in PPT and PDF format
A set of printable worksheets for each unit
A variety of activities to practise the skills for the new exam, with answer keys
Audio files with transcripts
A PowerPoint with a booklet designed to prepare your students for their Spanish GCSE AQA Higher writing exam. It includes explanations of each task, the marking criteria and tips, given in a student friendly way. There is also a knowledge organiser to help them to tackle the translation section as well as practise questions to drill their writing skills. Model answers are included for some tasks. The perfect set of resources to boost their confidence when writing in Spanish!
The perfect material to support the teaching of unit 4 ‘El fin de semana pasado’ from Edexcel ActiveHub’s Module 1, Diviértete.
Free time activities
Preterite tense
Time phrases for the past
GCSE skills and exam-style activities
It includes the following:
A range of activities with answers to practise and develop the various skills required for the new GCSE.
Vocabulary aligned with the new GCSE specification for Edexcel.
Listening tasks. A folder with the audio files/audio file for the listening tasks is also included.
Grammar and phonics explanations, exam-style tasks, and tips for success.
Matching worksheets for students to complete during the lesson.
The presentation is available in PPT and PDF formats and is editable to suit the needs of each individual class.
This is a worksheet with answers that introduces the festival of San Fermín. Perfect for cover or independent work and suitable for KS3 and low ability KS4. There is a wordsearch, an activity to work on question words -so important for the new GCSE, a GCSE style reading and a short writing task on opinions. There are also extensions for the most able. ¡Gora San Fermín! :)
9 templates to complete the profile of the main characters in Federico García Lorca’s La Casa de Bernarda Alba: Bernarda, La Poncia, Adela, Angustias, Magdalena, Martirio, Amelia, Pepe el Romano and Prudencia.
Each profile is divided in different sections:
Name and meaning, who is the character, character description, her/his role in the play, other important aspects and key quotes.
A very complete resource that can be used as an activity in class (we loved doing this in groups and presenting the characters) and after it is completed, as a revision material and a support when planning and writing essays.
9 plantillas para completar el perfil de los personajes principales de La Casa de Bernarda Alba, de Federico García Lorca: Bernarda, La Poncia, Adela, Angustias, Magdalena, Martirio, Amelia, Pepe el Romano y Prudencia.
Cada perfil se divide en diferentes secciones: Nombre y significado del nombre, quién es el personaje, descripción del personaje, su papel en la obre, otros aspectos importante y citas más relevantes.
Un recurso muy completo que puede usarse como actividad en clase (nos encantó trabajar en grupos rellenando los perfiles y presentando los personajes). Una vez completado, es perfecto como material de estudio y como apoyo al planificar y escribir los ensayos.
Three visual posters that use the acronyms DOCTOR PLACE to teach/remind when to use the verbs ‘ser’ and ‘estar’. Perfect to use as displays or revision flashcards.
Tres pósteres visuales que utilizan los acrónimos DOCTOR PLACE para enseñar/recordar cuándo usar “ser” y “estar”. Perfectos para usarlos también como tarjetas de repaso.
A bundle of 8 different certificates/awards to recognise your students’ achievements: good work, effort, hard work, team work, initiative and extra work in Spanish.
Un pack de 8 diplomas/certificados diferentes para reconocer el trabajo y esfuerzo de tus estudiantes en español.
Five lovely templates with a writing strip on the left. Perfect to get your students to describe their dad and celebrate Father’s Day in Spanish!
On the left side there is an explanation of the task with a vocabulary bank for support. On the right side, enough space for the students to write their paragraphs.
Se trata de una tira de escritura para que tus alumnos escriban una redacción sobre su padre. ¡El regalo perfecto para el Día del Padre!
A la izquierda aparecen los puntos que deben de mencionar así como un banco de vocabulario. Además, hemos hecho cinco plantillas diferentes para que que elijan su favorita.
A lesson designed following the famous Escape Room format to teach Christmas in Spain. Pupils need to complete a series of tasks based on key aspects of Spanish Christmas in order to decipher the code and break out! It works different skills through reading, translation, fill in the gaps and much more. It includes all the necessary resources, including slides with instructions and game description for the teacher and students. Suitable for all levels. Make the end of term fun in Spanish!
A lovely Power Point presentation to use during the first lessons with your classes. It includes slides with teacher presentation, vocabulary for introductions, seating plan, rules and expectations, book information, classroom language and commands, speaking activities and games, a quiz and objectives for the year ahead. Ready for you to adapt it to your group!
UPDATED version added to adapt to the new Covid-19 guidlines
Una presentación para usar en la primera clase que tengáis con vuestros grupos. Hay plantillas que podéis adaptar y completar a vuestro gusto (reglas, actividades, cuadernos, presentaciones, juegos de cultura general, objetivos para el nuevo curso y todas esas cositas de las que se habla el primer día con los grupos nuevos)
Ahora también la versión ACTUALIZADA para seguir las nuevas pautas por el Covid-19.
The perfect powerpoint to prepare your students for their reading and listening Spanish papers, both Foundation and Higher. 19 slides that include guidance on how to complete the test successfully by focusing on linguistic cues and by avoiding common traps in the exam. The strategies are followed by exam styles questions for pupils to develop their skills. The powerpoint can be used for selfrevision or as a teacher led lesson. Suitable for all examination boards.
¡Buena suerte! :)
A worksheet based on Viva GCSE’s Unit 3 ‘¿Por qué aprender idiomas?’ from module 7 ‘¡A currar!’. Students will learn/review vocabulary to talk about the benefits of learning languages. They will also learn/review the difference between ‘conocer’ and ‘saber’. Students will develop their grammatical and lexical understanding through reading, translation and writing. Since answers are included too, this material is great for independent work both at home and at school.
Esta ficha incluye un abanico de actividades para introducir/consolidar vocabulario para que tus alumnos puedan hablar sobre las ventajas de aprender idiomas. Con este recurso también aprenderán cuándo usar los verbos “saber” y “conocer”. Los estudiantes pondrán en práctica sus competencias gramatical y léxica a travéz de la lectura, la traducción y la escritura. Puesto que las soluciones están incluidas, este material es genial para trabajar de forma independiente, tanto en casa como en el centro de enseñanza.
A bundle which includes reading and listening + writing preparation lessons. Save 15% when preparing your students for their Spanish GCSE writing, reading and listening exams. Both lessons include tips and activities/ model answers for both Foundation and Higher. Suitable for all exam boards.
A pack that includes 30 posters/cards with some of the most common false friends in English-Spanish. Each poster includes the correct translation as well as the false friend too. We have added images to clarify the meanings and make them more visual.
They can be used as a display, flashcards or individual posters to show the class each week, month or term. Suitable for all levels. Use them all or choose your favourites!
A fantastic way to immerse your students in the language!
Un pack que incluye 30 pósteres/tarjetas con algunos de los falsos cognados más comunes entre el inglés y el español para la clase de inglés. Cada poster incluye la traducción correcta así como la traducción del término con el que se suele confundir. Hemos añadido imágenes para ilustrar los significados y hacerlo más visual.
Se pueden usar para decorar el aula, como tarjetas y también como pósteres individuales para mostrarlos a la clase cada semana, mes o trimestre. Para todos los niveles. ¡Úsalos todos o elige tus favoritos!
¡Una forma fantástica para que tus estudiantes se sumerjan en el idioma!
A worksheet based on Viva GCSE’s Unit 2 ‘¿Qué estás haciendo?’ from module 3 ‘Mi gente’. Students will learn/review vocabulary to talk about free time activities. They will also learn/review how to use the present continuous. Students will develop their grammatical and lexical understanding through reading, translation and writing. Since answers are included too, this material is great for independent work both at home and at school.
Esta ficha incluye un abanico de actividades para introducir/consolidar vocabulario para que tus alumnos puedan hablar sobre el tiempo libre. Con este recurso también aprenderán cómo usar el presente continuo. Los estudiantes pondrán en práctica sus competencias gramatical y léxica a travéz de la lectura, la traducción y la escritura. Puesto que las soluciones están incluidas, este material es genial para trabajar de forma independiente, tanto en casa como en el centro de enseñanza.
A PowerPoint with a booklet designed to prepare your students for their Foundation writing exam. It includes explanations of each task, the marking criteria and tips, given in a student friendly way. There is also a knowledge organiser to help them to tackle the translations section as well as practise questions to drill their writing skills. Model answers are included for some tasks. The perfect set of resources to boost their confidence when writing in Spanish!
A PowerPoint with a booklet designed to prepare your students for their Higher writing exam. It includes explanations of each task, the marking criteria and tips, given in a student friendly way. There is also a knowledge organiser to help them to tackle the translation section as well as practise questions to drill their writing skills. Model answers are included for some tasks. The perfect set of resources to boost their confidence when writing in Spanish!
A worksheets bundle that follows the structure of Viva GCSE’s Unit 8 ‘Hacia un mundo mejor’. It includes the following Spanish vocabulary topics and grammar:
Mi área local- Condicional
¡Deberíamos cuidar el medio ambiente! - Se debería
¿Llevas una dieta sana? - Expresiones + infinitivo
¡Piensa globalmente! - Subjuntivo
¡Actúa localmente! - Las órdenes con el subjuntivo
¡Vivir a tope! - Presente, pasado y futuro
¡El deporte nos une! - Pretérito pluscuamperfecto
¡Apúntate! - Imperfecto continuo
Un pack de fichas con soluciones que incluye los siguientes temas de vocabulario y gramática:
Mi área local- Condicional
¡Deberíamos cuidar el medio ambiente! - Se debería
¿Llevas una dieta sana? - Expresiones + infinitivo
¡Piensa globalmente! - Subjuntivo
¡Actúa localmente! - Las órdenes con el subjuntivo
¡Vivir a tope! - Presente, pasado y futuro
¡El deporte nos une! - Pretérito pluscuamperfecto
¡Apúntate! - Imperfecto continuo